viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

My Hobby

First, a hobby is an activity that is commonly practiced in the leisure. Is an activity whose value lies in the entertainment of those who done it , sometimes the person is not looking for a productive porpose and this activity is done in a regular basis. In my case, I like to go fishing. When I was a boy, maybe when i was seven or eight years old, may dad and I went fishing at lake Peñuelas. The lake Peñuelas is near to Casablanca, in the way to Viña del Mar. Is a really beautiful place. This lake is huge and it is surrounded by a pine forest, and is full of fishes to catch . I really enjoyed that day because fishing is so much fun.At first it was difficult because I did not have the necessary technique or the practice, but hours later I improved a little. Since then I tried to go whenever I can. When I was in the school I could go more often, but since I am in college , I don´t have eneught time to go,because I spend my wekkends studing. But in vacations and long weekens I go fishing a lot. Is a very relaxing activity and gives me the oportunity to spend a time with my dad. At night we cook and eat the caught fish and we discuss the day´s adventure.We always discuss about who caught the bigger fish or about who caught more fishes. Is a really funny competition.

3 comentarios:

  1. It's a very interesting activity. I don't know too much about it actually XD I'd like to practice it, maybe on holidays XD

    See us!

  2. I love your hobby! can see that you love this activity and I would like to go fishing xD

  3. Very good, Sebastián.

    You say though in "one´s leisure time"

    Remember, don´t forget the subject:

    "IT Is an activity whose value lies in the entertainment of those who do(ne) it , sometimes the person ..." CHECK FOR MISTAKES OF THE SORT.

    The word FISH is uncountable.

    Also spelling mistakes e.g., opPortunity, studYing.

    Very nice description, though.

    2 points.

