sábado, 19 de junio de 2010

My favorite photograph

My favorite photograph was taken about four years ago. My family and I went on vacations to a place named El Batro. Is a place near to Viña del Mar. This little town is about fifteen minutes to the beach in car. In this place there is a huge forest and a lake.Is a very quiet place (too quiet sometimes) and that day, me and my cousins were looking for something funny to do. We found a children`s raft and we had the idea to take it to the lake. This photograph shows me and my cousins in the raft, in the midle of the lake. Is real funny because that raft was just for two people, but this time we were five of us in it. I had seven cousin, and be there with four of them, in the middle of the lake, waving to the shore deserved a photograph. This photograph was taken by my brother. He didn`t want to get wet and he made the right decision. That day was very cold and cloudy, obviously not the best day for sail in a lake in a small raff with a bunch of huge guys. Everyone of us weighs about seventy kilos and in that time it could be even more. We almost sank (actually we did it, but the photograph was taken minutes before, jaja). After that we had to swing across the lake to the shore. It was difficult to me get to the shore because I was still laughing about what happened. I really like that photograph because that was the last time we spend the time of vacations together, all of us.

viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

My Hobby

First, a hobby is an activity that is commonly practiced in the leisure. Is an activity whose value lies in the entertainment of those who done it , sometimes the person is not looking for a productive porpose and this activity is done in a regular basis. In my case, I like to go fishing. When I was a boy, maybe when i was seven or eight years old, may dad and I went fishing at lake Peñuelas. The lake Peñuelas is near to Casablanca, in the way to Viña del Mar. Is a really beautiful place. This lake is huge and it is surrounded by a pine forest, and is full of fishes to catch . I really enjoyed that day because fishing is so much fun.At first it was difficult because I did not have the necessary technique or the practice, but hours later I improved a little. Since then I tried to go whenever I can. When I was in the school I could go more often, but since I am in college , I don´t have eneught time to go,because I spend my wekkends studing. But in vacations and long weekens I go fishing a lot. Is a very relaxing activity and gives me the oportunity to spend a time with my dad. At night we cook and eat the caught fish and we discuss the day´s adventure.We always discuss about who caught the bigger fish or about who caught more fishes. Is a really funny competition.

viernes, 4 de junio de 2010

My Favorite Movie

My favorite movie is "Riders of the lost ark". This movie was released in 1981, and it was directed by Steven Spielberg. "Riders of the lost ark" is the first of three movies, and in this movies, the main character is Indiana Jones, played by Harrison Ford. The doctor Henry Jones Jr, aka Indiana Jones, is a college teacher. He teaches archeology, but he is not the typical college teacher. He is also an adventurer. He travels around the word looking for ancient relics. In every trip, he has to face the death, but using their knowledge, and his whip, he survives. In this movie, he has to find the lost ark. This is the famous ark of the covenant who keeps the ten commandments. This ark has magical powers and can be used as a weapon of mass destruction. That is the reason why Adolf Hitler and the nazi army wants it. Indiana Jones has to find it first at any cost. Is a race against the nazis, is a race against evil.I like this movies because the character of Indiana Jones great. Is a hero, but a human hero, without superpowers or something. He succeeds but suffering. The plot is very entertaining, is a well told story and the special effects are very good too. I saw this movie for the first time when I was eight years old and since then I´ve seen it about ten times. "Riders of the lost ark" really is my favorite movie.